Choosing that perfect Halloween costume can be a real pain in the fanny. You want to be original with it, not just lazily buy some half arsed ebay piss fabric, but times are hard and your brainpower is limited. It's not your fault you're an idiot. Don't worry though, I am here to help you. Because I love you and I have nothing better to do, I have come up with a couple of unique and affordable Halloween costumes for you to make.
Halloween Costume Ideas:
#1 - Pregnant Teenage Bin-man
This costume is easy to make if you're interested in doing it. You will need a pillow, a toy baby, hoop ear-rings, a glow in the dark jacket, hair tied to the side and a cigarette. Or, why not just get pregnant for that edge of authenticity?
#2 - The People's Princess
Don't be a fool this year by going into a fancy dress shop and paying loads for an overpriced rubber mask. Many tourist shops around London sell these highly realistic, suspiciously faced sized post cards of the royal family and celebrities. This costume will only cost you about 35p and will terrify your friends. Be warned though, these things have a sort of "The Mask" like quality to them, causing the wearer to adopt the mannerisms of their chosen face. I don't recommend the Robbie Williams one.
# 3 - Bubble Wrap Head
This is probably the best (and most affordable) costume of the three. Be careful not to attach it too tight as you may suffocate (also consider cutting out holes for the nose and mouth to ensure maximum breathing capacity) but I guarantee you will be the centre of attention in this classy ensemble, with everyone at the party constantly pushing and pinching your face. Drunken altercations will be instantly resolved when a punch to the face can turn into a hil-arious popping game.
So, there you have my suggestions. I won't be following any of them myself this year though, as I shamefully bought my costume online. Doing all this creative idea work for you has drained me of any energy to come up with something original for myself, so this year I'll just be a pumpkin.
Have fun yeah?