Saturday, 17 December 2011

I did one

I haven't updated this blog or my website in a while. That's mainly because I've been working on a performance thing and I've forgotten about you. Sorry.

I did a sort of demo version of what I'm working on, which was 12 minutes long, to a group of about 10 people in a classroom with a projector and sound and all that and it went well. People laughed in the right places, so I'm now working on expanding it to an hour and getting the narrative better sorted out. Also, I'm looking for places to perform it.

Usually when I go out into the real world and film things and take pictures they end up on this blog, but I've been hogging them for my ART. I am selfish. Anyway, here's a photo from it. It probably wont give you any clue as to what the show is about, but that's the nature of being obscure isn't it.

Hopefully I can make the leap from useless internet content provider, to performing useless content provider and I will never see any of you ever again. Of course I'm joking. In part.

(Berating the reader is a tactic I commonly employ to add a hint of sarcasm to things I secretly don't mean but sometimes sort of do)

I do love you though, unconditionally. 

Friday, 2 December 2011

Christmas Cracker Leftist Loonacy

I saw this article today in The Sun newspaper. Please read it. 

I for one am disgusted. I remember the bygone days when you could read racist, sexist,disabled-ist or homophobic jokes in Christmas crackers. I remember once, sitting around the dinner table on December the 25th, my whole family were in hysterics over a joke about a black, Muslim, wheelchair-bound, gay woman who walked into a bar. I can't remember the punchline though. Offensive jokes have become a part of my family's Christmas tradition and I can't believe we have to tolerate this PC rubbish. 

I'm writing this in the hope that you'll agree with me and help me fight this limp, left wing loonacy by sending an email to Alex West complaining that political correctness has finally gone TOO FAR. I for one will be sending him an email, that's for sure. 

Hopefully he'll have the good sense to print my email so the whole of Britain can have an opportunity to WAKE up from this Political Correctness NIGHTMARE. 

I just hope he doesn't mind that I got his name wrong...