Friday, 25 November 2011

Photographing Strangers & Posing


It's been a while hasn't it? I'm sorry that I haven't updated "Things with Tits On" but it seems there really aren't that many things to put tits on. There's probably about 7 or 8 things, and I've already done 5 of them. If I find the other 3 I'll let you know.

I have been spending most of my time writing a show. Ooh, get me! A show? How can I write a show? What kind of show? Well, when I saw "show" I mean it in it's loosest term. Basically, I am writing something that I intend at some point to take to a stage. I don't know what kind of stage. A wooden one probably, but I'll settle for other surfaces. Also, when I say "writing" what I mean is going out filming things, recording audio, taking photos of strangers and things of that nature, because the show in question will be a multimedia production. There are written bits too and I do intend to speak. Think Dave Gorman, minus the jokes but with an awkward tranny on stage instead of Dave Gorman. I'm sorry I'm not Dave Gorman!

The desire to do a show has mainly come about due to a little thing in my brain that keeps telling me to do a show. Also, I'm pretty used to being stared at by people I don't know, so what difference does it make if I'm on a stage? I don't know if it will pass as comedy. If you laugh, it's comedy. If you don't, it's high art and you just don't get it because you're a fucking idiot who likes Michael MacIntyre and all that yeah? You can off anyway, I'm late for an exhibition at the Southbank. (That last bit was a joke. See, maybe it won't be so bad after all)

I'm not under any delusions of grandeur. I don't have a fan base, and why should I? I don't even like me very much. But if people do show up, I will do the show. I might even get a pocket projector and do the entire show in randomised places in South London, like a travelling circus of depression. It would be free though, and I might bring a bag of broken biscuits just in case it goes tits up.

I also started a little picture blog today. I know I start something new almost every day and never get around to maintaining them (see "things with tits on blog") but I'm quite partial to this, so might carry it on. I am carrying on things with tits on though.

Anyway, click HERE

Thanks for reading all this rubbish and I hope you now have a better idea of what I've been up to. What do you mean "who?"? Me. You know... Me. ME. I'm pretty important...

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Unpopular Month

Twitter is shit. That's what I've managed to conclude after doing over 2000 tweets myself, so it might be a late observation but that doesn't make it any less accurate. Twitter was developed in 1997 by Sir Stephen Fry in order to help manage his many sexual partners from the years 1982 to 1998. Everyone else then just followed.

I think the best tweet I ever did was "I'm hungry" I'm proud of that one because it displays an honest feeling. I really was hungry. I went and had a peanut butter sandwich after I tweeted that. 

Over the past month I have been documenting the people who have unfollowed me. Here they are in a list


This is Jade Raad. "Trouble maker at channel 4" She followed me for a week or so, but then she unfollowed me. I'm not sure why. I remember following her back out of a pathetic need to be in contact with someone at channel 4. A quick google search of her name has shown me that she could be the Sponsorship Executive for the program "Misfits" on E4. I thought Misfits was shit anyway. 


This is Richard. He's 30 something years old. I can't remember if I ever spoke to him on Twitter, but when he unfollowed me I cried for hours and hours. I took his unfollow particularly to heart because of his beautiful smile. How could he do that? What a bastard. 


Ah Darren. "One Wife, two sons and I'm an Aston Villa fan for my sins" Sound like a cunt anyway. 


W.A Gibson has a quote from the film Raising Arizona on his twitter description. I do not miss him.


Burlesqueking only followed me for a few days. He has a girlfriend. I learnt this from his twitter page. We never had long enough to properly know each other. I'm presuming he followed me by accident. If not, he's playing games with my heart.


Auntipax. This one hurt. I have had brief communication with Pax. Re-tweets, @ back and forths. I must have said something to offend her. When I saw she had unfollowed me, I held my hand on my oven hob for 30 seconds to distract my mind from the pain in my heart. 

So, they were the people who unfollowed me this month. If you want to avoid ever being on this list, never follow me. If you do decide to follow me, then don't ever unfollow me. Tune in next month for more. 

Friday, 11 November 2011

Dr Kayden

Omegle is a very interesting website. Basically, it links you with a complete stranger and if they aren't an automated robot that wants to direct you to a hard-core sex website, you can end up having conversations with all sorts of different people.

I am quite fond of playing a completely improvised on the spot character on Omegle. I am vowing to never play the same person twice. Here is my first attempt, in a conversation I had with a Dr Kayden.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: My husband is asleep so I only have 5 minutes, so lets make this good ok?
Stranger: Okay!!!!(;
You: Ok great!
You: I'm 41 but look 22
You: honest
Stranger: I'm 35
You: Not a huge age gap then!
You: He's asleep upstairs
You: if he knew I was on here, he would go mental
You: So, tell me about yourself
Stranger: Well I am single good looking I work at a hospital as a Nero surgeon
You: wow!
You: a professional
You: you know how brains work
Stranger: Yes
You: I used to be an interior decorator
You: but I had to quit
Stranger: Why?
You: Now I just look after my garden
You: Because my husband won't let me work
You: he insists on being the man
You: He is a lawyer in the city
Stranger: Awww that sucks. And cool cool
You: it's not cool, hes a bastard
You: I want to chop his dick off
Stranger: Ohhhh. Why are you still with him then?
You: Because we have 2 kids and hes a good dad
You: just a lousy husband
Stranger: Ohhhh okay
You: btw
You: I'm not really 44
You: I'm 45
You: I feel like I need to be honest with you
You: I feel a bond to you
You: My Psychic crystals are shimmring
You: they like you
Stranger: Ohhh??
Stranger: Well good!
You: Where do you live?
Stranger: Cali. You?
You: California? Right, I'm booking a plane first thing in the morning
You: I live in Texas
Stranger: Oh!
You: Is it ok if I bring my kids?
Stranger: Yes California is resllynice
Stranger: Really nice*
You: Do you have a room for them both?
Stranger: no?
You: Ok, I'll have to just bring one then
Stranger: Ok
You: choosing is going to be difficult
Stranger: Mmhmm
You: You're so good for letting me come and stay with you
Stranger: Nooooo
You: No?
You: I thought it was settled
You: I come to Cali tomorrow
You: you pick me up
Stranger: You don't know why part o live in!!!
You: I'll call you when I get to the airport
Stranger: Good lick with that
Stranger: Luck*
You: Can I have your number now just in case?
Stranger: no
You: Ok, ill give you mine
Stranger: ????
You: Just a second
Stranger: Wtf
You: You're a doll
You: 1 scond
Stranger: Wttttfffffff
You: its 1832 615 2848
Stranger: nooo
You: I'll book the tickets for tomorrow morning
You: bring 1 kid
You: Bobby probably
Stranger: Have fun
You: Charlotte can be a brat
You: she likes her daddy more anyways
Stranger: Your a freak
You: I'm not
You: honestly
You: thats whay my husband says to me
You: but I'm really not
You: I just need out
You: a new life
Stranger: I wonder why!!??!?
You: in Cali
You: We could get married?
Stranger: No thank you
You: You could be Bobbys new neurosurgeon daddy
Stranger: Nopee
You: I thought we had something together
Stranger: Fuck you
You: Not until we're married
Stranger: Grooss I wouldn't want to
Stranger: Freeeeaaaak
You: Honey, you're no spring chicken. 35?
You: You could do with some mature lovin
Stranger: Gross
You: I'm 45, I know things
Stranger: Nasty
You: It aint nasty
You: you'd really be helping me out
You: If I stay here any longer I'm going to end up...
You: I dont know
You: cutting his dick off!
Stranger: Ok
You: Ok? So it's settled then?
Stranger: Nipe
Stranger: Nopr
Stranger: Nope!!!!
You: I found some good deals online see
Stranger: Noooo noooo noooo
You: You call me tomorrow at about 7
You: and we can arrange a pick up time
You: My name is Paula by the way
You: whats yours?
Stranger: Fuck off psycho bitch!
You: Come on, you don't mean that
You: Bobby needs a new daddy
You: Hold on, I'll go and wake him up
You: We can leave tonight
You: Would that be better for you?
Stranger: You craaaaaaazzzzzy! Bitch!
You: you'll really like him
You: he's 12
You: Not the smartest boy, but boy howdy does he like runnin'
You: But you're a doctor right?
You: you can teach him up good
Stranger: Nope!!
You: What happened?
You: We hit it off so good
You: Now you're colder than a chicken butt in winter
You: Was it something I said?
You: Listen. I know what's puttin' you off
You: I'll come alone
You: Bobby and Charlotte will be fine with their daddy
Stranger: I done even know what to say u
Stranger: N
You: I'm literally about 2 clicks away from orderin' these here plane tickets so I need to know for sure that you're gonna be there
Stranger: Do it
You: 1 click away now hon
You: Really?
You: You'll be there?
You: at the airport
You: You'll call me right?
Stranger: Yes(:
You: It's done
You: I leave tomorrow at 12:40
You: I can't wait to meet you
You: This feels so right
You: Please, tell me your name
You: I'm gonna be landing in Fresno Airport
You: you can get there right?
You: Darlin?
Stranger: Ok its kayden
You: Aw Kayden!
You: that's a beautiful name
Stranger: Iknpw
You: How much money do you make Kayden?
Stranger: Alot
You: Hot dog!
Stranger: Mmhmm
You: Shit
You: I can hear Keith
You: He's calling out in his sleep again
Stranger: Uh oh
You: I hate the bastard, but I think you saved his dick Kayden
Stranger: Ok
You: Remember to call me about 7 ok hon?
Stranger: Alright
You: Goodnight Kayden, my sweet prince
Stranger: Goodnight
You: I love you
Stranger: Umm?

And that was our conversation. Pretty special wasn't it? Now I can develop that into a script, sell the rights to Universal Pictures and secure a big fancy pay cheque as a screen writer in Hollywood.