Thursday, 16 February 2012


Sometimes, concentration is a difficult game of wits. This girl knows that if she places a Ferrero Rocher in front of her during a lecture, and tells herself "If you get through this you can have the Ferrero Rocher" she is statistically 13% more likely to learn something.

Unless she succumbs to temptation that is. Eating it before the lecture is over has statistically shown that she would be 4.7% more likely to be splashed by a puddle from 2 overweight builders driving a van at 17:48pm on her way home.

Here's an interesting fact: This blog was made up of pictures that were taken in January of 2011. I didn't leave the house today, so didn't take any new photos. These have been sitting on my old computer for over a year now. FUN FACT: That month was possibly the worst month of my life. 

Originally, I cropped this part of the photo and now I can't remember why. I was probably going to say something about the Costa cup. Don't worry, it was probably just something stupid. It's not important. 

At one point in time, I thought it would be a good idea to take a photo of this. The 1st of March 2011 in fact. I only took a photo of of it because I thought "EVEN IF IT IS BAD NEWS" was interesting. I had the idea to phone them up and give them some unrelated bad news. I never did 1) because I didn't have time and 2) because it's fucking stupid. 

I also took a photo of this toilet I saw in a strange Russian Restaurant in London. I have no opinion on it whatsoever.

These photos are trash. And now you've seen them. 

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