The video underneath these words is 11 minutes long. Sorry about that. It's a video that I put together as part of a piece of University coursework. The course is a writing course and it's called "Digital Self" and we were asked to do a story which involved the topics we were talking about in class, which happened to be technology. Because I am quite interested in doing some performance based stuff, instead of just doing a written story I decided to put this video together and then perform it live in front of the class. The whole class didn't turn up. But I did perform it to about 8 people, and they laughed at parts of it and clapped at the end so now I am technically (and possibly legally) a performance ARTIST. The only problem is, I don't have the actual footage of myself performing it. So what I've done is just re-record the audio that I spoke in the performance and pasted it under the finished video. Anyway, the video contains music that doesn't belong to me and also has lots of footage of complete strangers, so I don't imagine it will be online for every long. Watch it while you can. Or don't, because the beauty of the internet is that it's up to you.
My Mobile & Me
It gets a bit overly sentimental at the end and I struggled to round it off as well as I would have liked, but there it is. Can't change it now. Well, I can but I can't be bothered to.
I am currently writing something completely different to this, which I plan to perform in places that will have me. It will be about my life so far, and there-for be very self centred. I'm also aiming for it to be about an hour and a half long. You know, like a film.
christ, matt's dancing in the end and graham's guitar antics are fucking hilarious...