Sunday, 8 April 2012

My Easter

My Easter started with me waking up. I then went downstairs and turned my laptop on. After that, I thought I might do a blog about how I spent my Easter day. First I took a picture of my laptop, to prove it.

Then I realised that to truly document the day, I would have needed to get a picture of myself waking up from beneath the covers of my bed, so I went back upstairs, got back in bed and then took a photo of myself pretending to just wake up

While I was up there, pretending, I noticed that I had a lot of dirty washing. I gathered it all up, took it down stairs and put it in the washing machine.

I then had to make the difficult decision of picking either “synthetic wash” or “eco wash” Noticing that eco wash takes almost twice as long, I went for synthetic. Don’t judge me, I needed the extra time for drying my clothes later.

Next, I left the kitchen and re-entered the living room. I noticed the Easter Eggs which were on the table.

Only two of them were for me, from my sister and dad. I thought about how boring it is to be an adult. I also thought about the fact that I don’t really like Nestle chocolate. I didn’t at any point think about Jesus.
After that, I let the cat out. She wanted to go out regardless of the shit weather, which is more than could be said for me.

After I let the cat out, I came back over to my laptop and sat in front of it. I though that I was getting bored of taking photos of boring, minute details of my day and so thought about bringing the blog to it’s conclusion. I took one more photo, which was a photograph of this paragraph and then uploaded it to the blog.

I then realised that I had made a typing error in the paragraph I took a picture of on the line which was supposed to be “I was getting bored of taking photos…” but was instead “I was getting bored to taking photos…” which makes no sense and isnow unfortunately documented forever in digital photograph. I did go back and edit the original sentence though above it.
Then I decided I was going to go back out to the kitchen to make myself a crisp sandwich.
If anything extraordinary does happen on this Easter 2012, I will make an effort to add it to this blog entry, but for now I think it may have peaked.

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